Entrepreneurship Program

At Gymnasium Los Caobos we understand that the world works through projects that help to improve its environment, which is why we believe that a successful entrepreneur is one who has the creativity to devise them, the logical thinking to structure them and the discipline to make them a reality.

The future of Colombia is closely linked to the capacity of Colombians to generate business. Research by the University of La Salle found that in Colombia only one in three children and one in ten grandchildren manages to develop the inherited company.

Prestigious organizations such as London Business School have concluded through research that education plays a vital role in the development of successful entrepreneurs, especially if they are trained from a very young age. For this reason, it is essential to develop a closer link between the business and education worlds, allowing students to become familiar with business and professional leadership.

The schemes and parameters of a traditional school based exclusively on the curriculum do not serve to train young entrepreneurs with 21st century skills, so the Los Caobos Gymnasium has been carrying out entrepreneurial projects since the second year of primary school and from the eighth to the tenth it has a subject dedicated to their training.

The institutional educational plan involves working on entrepreneurial projects, which contribute to the development of students, knowledge, attitudes, values and skills that generate an entrepreneurial culture in it.

The projects that are developed during the school year in order to increase their level of achievement and complexity seek to develop creativity, solve problems and find opportunities, because in essence, an entrepreneur is innovative.

They promote a culture of participation, in which students have spaces for initiative, choice and self-expression. They include teamwork, understood as the development of students' ability to exchange and collaborate with others, make collective decisions and resolve disagreements and conflicts.

The projects have a social-ecological component. An entrepreneur feels responsible for his environment and seeks initiatives for his own benefit

and collective.